Monique Wintle-Camp

Monique believes in empowering leaders and teams to bring their whole selves to work, enriching and building a dynamic thinking organisation which can thrive.

She has delivered and written many leadership development, sales training and human skills programmes globally for the Technology, Media and Construction industries. Focusing on changing long term behaviour, rather than just the learning outcomes, facilitating sustained and substantial change that will last. She is also an experienced and accredited Executive and Team Coach working with a variety of clients within organisations to entrepreneurs.

Monique believes in enabling leadership teams to inspire and lead through emotional intelligence and great communication skills to get the most out of their teams. Working with senior leaders to understand business needs and then supporting the execution of programmes throughout the organisation.

She has been described by her coaching clients as empowering, life changing and supportive. By her leadership development programme clients as a game changer, insightful and engaging.

Monique also loves nothing more than sitting around a fire with good friends, listening to music and having great conversations. Her other passions include her family, mosaicing and new found love for gardening (although it mostly seems like guesswork at the moment).

Meet the rest of the team