Agile Organisations

The Stainton Model of Organisational Agility

Act now to build a thriving future

The world is evolving at an unrelentingly fast pace. Organisations are having to adapt swiftly to cope with disruption and keep up with changes in consumer needs and expectations. Some will find this easier than others. Many will struggle to know what changes they need to make and where to begin. This risks becoming vulnerable or missing golden opportunities. Agility underpins successful organisational transformation 

Are you an Executive in an organisation that is:

  • facing decisions on how to respond or adapt to new market conditions?
  • experiencing disruption from known and unknown external threats?
  • reliant on ways of working that are no longer fit for purpose?
  • struggling to keep pace with shifting customer expectations?
  • finding a growing mismatch between current performance and future aspirations?

The current disruption means our organisations are unlikely to ever be the same again. There is an opportunity to work on the organisational changes that need to happen that will allow it to emerge stronger and more able to adapt swiftly and effectively in the future.

“Now, more than ever, business agility, the ability to respond & adapt to change faster, leaner and smarter, is crucial for business survival”

 Dr Ileana Stigliani, Associate Professor of Design and Innovation, Imperial College London

The Stainton Model of Organisational Agility has been developed by consultants with deep expertise in organisational development who have studied the vital things organisations need to do to become agile in these dynamic times. It goes beyond technology and organisational efficiency. It focuses on balancing internal and external; hard and soft to enable your organisation to adapt to changing circumstances.

Here’s how we can work with you to deliver lasting successful transformation

For further information or for an initial chat please get in touch: Tel +44 (0)1539 561311 or email

To download The Stainton Model of Organisation Agility flyer click here