Transformational Leadership

Leadership approaches and the challenges being faced are changing: – unceasing transformation, a tech and digital revolution, globalisation, growing complexity, a multi-generational workforce and constant, never-ending change. There is now no place to hide and leadership is responding by being more driven by purpose and value creation, shifting from heroic individual leaders to collective and collaborative leadership.

We design and deliver transformational inclusive leadership programmes. Always bespoke, with measurable results and a clear return on investment, we enable good managers to shift to becoming greater leaders.

VA’s inclusive leadership development approach is highly engaging and uses a blended approach to learning that’s sustainable. Our bespoke holistic programmes consist of the use of structured workshops, outdoor residential development journeys, webinars and digital learning through our online portal with relevant and current theories that are explored through practice, playing and simulations. Learning is sustained through coaching, mentoring, feedback, collaborative platforms, user-generated content and supported workplace integration that enables learners to put their learning into practice.

This approach typically leads to:

  • Leaders with the skills and attributes that they need to maximise the performance of themselves and their teams.
  • Understanding the values and beliefs that underpin personal behaviours and leadership contributions.
  • Developing the mindset and core leadership capabilities of relationship-building, performance management, delegation and empowerment.
  • Increased confidence and capability to drive the business vision through inspirational leadership and directed focus.

Can we help you transform you and your organisation? Why not start the conversation by contacting us.

“If horizontal development is about transferring information to the leader, vertical development is about transformation of the leader.” – Nick Petri

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash